world has a water shortage, not a food shortage

Feel badly for those poor people who don’t have clean drinking water?

I’m one of them.

The water pipes underground the Sarcee Meadows Housing Co-op are rusted and rotting. Repairs have taken weeks!

… Around 1.2 billion people live in places that are short of water, and it is running out in others such as northern China and western America. Meanwhile, the world’s population is growing and more water will be needed to feed it. Farming, which accounts for some 70% of human water consumption, offers the best opportunity for thrift. Repairing leaks and better irrigation in poor countries could help reduce wastage by up to 70%, as could switching to less thirsty crops in arid regions. …

Running dry – Economist

Check this movie trailer for Irena Salina’s award-winning documentary on “The World Water Crisis”.

(via The Mountain Culture)

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